
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Thursday, February 26, 2004

If anyone gets the Washington Post in Fairfax County. Please save todays paper.

"Diarra Clemons tackles the role of the narrator, called Negro Resurrectionist, with energy and elan, avoiding the always-present possibility of taking herself too seriously, while Megan Kelleher seems to be the only one having fun in several over-the-top roles as exploiters of the young African woman. "
-Michael Toscano The Washington Post

Is this a compliment? I'm not sure.

For the full article:

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

So you can tell that I have a paper due in the morning based on the length of my BLOG.
Delicious Melicious from Da Box wins todays Away Message Award:

""Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that others won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just some of us, it is everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear our presence automatically liberates others."
~Nelson Mandela, 1994 Inauguration Speech

[insert English accent here] "I'M the coolest person in this box office! Uh-oooh...Melissa! That would make YOU the most UNcoolest person in this box office!"
~ quoted straight from Tim Bainton in Harris Theatre. Ya see why we love him?! "

I'm glad auditions for my show are over with... here is my AIM commentary on the subject:
"MeganK77: Thanks to everyone who auditioned for Moo! I wish I could have two casts... because I did have two casts, but then I had to make it one cast... because we only have three weeks to rehearse... and you can't have two casts with one director and only one theatre and only three weeks... that's crazy. crazy. So to the second cast, who isn't the actual cast this time. I hope you can be my cast next time. So much love to the many casts. The uncast are not to be cast aside lightly... audition for Rachel's musical!"

I'm not making it up. I really did have like an "A" team and a "B" team. Or more like brown hair team vs. a redhead/blonde team.

The "A Team" had Mr. T and that goofy guy who flew the airplane. I pity thu foo, who messes with mista T! Remember how they used to have to drug him to get on the airplane because he was afraid of flying... crazy Mr. T. Those were good times.
Where was I?

Aaah yes. Hair color didn't have much to do with it really, it was more vocal quality and tonality and ability to take direction. Sometimes peoples voices just sound good together, like music... or arguing sisters... and if they happen to look like sisters... well that's mighty convenient. I have my worries about a couple of scheduling issues with some of the guys. Ahh well. Actors are a dime a dozen. They are ALL expendable! A HA HA HA HA!!! I'm in charge!!!!

Who let that happen?

I pity tha foo who messes with Melissa T!

Sunday, February 22, 2004

No Venus tomorrow. Yay, I get to take a break from creeping people out.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Fireworks are kinda cool, but not when they wake you up from taking a nap. Rattling windows in the night. Flashbacks to Nam.

Happy Homecoming Mason!
Let me sleep!!!

Friday, February 20, 2004

Playing the villian is really fun, but kinda lonely. After the show the audience seems to create this air bubble around me and don't talk to me until my fellow cast members introduce me. It's a long way from my tomato tossin days. I suppose its a compliment in a way. If I creep people out, I must be doing a good job.
my Outlook stopped working randomly. No idea why. According to the mail website everything is fine, and Bill Gates won't give me any help on the programming end, so I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope if randomly starts working again, just like it randomly stopped working.
I'm takin the day off.

come see my show.

Friday, February 13, 2004

MeganK77: got it
MeganK77: I laughed
loser68: u laughed, cried and spued?
MeganK77: yeah
MeganK77: so good
loser68: i am glad u liked it
loser68: we had fun
loser68: wouldve been more fun if we won...but we'll take what we can get i guess
MeganK77: did you get a consolation prize?
MeganK77: free tshirts or somethin?
loser68: nada!
loser68: bummer huh
loser68: i wanna call and know the margin of votes
MeganK77: the other ones suck compared to yours
loser68: I thought so
loser68: :-D
loser68: i *really* wanted to win
MeganK77: the one that won was hard to understand because it moved so fast
loser68: there were no smooth transition
MeganK77: but maybe they didn't want to give away a trip to Hawaii for a fart
MeganK77: now if you had pissed yourself in the movie that might have given you the edge
loser68: well thats rediculous!
loser68: people should start embrassing a womens fart
MeganK77: viva la farts!
loser68: YAH!!!!!!!!!!!

To view Sarah and Phil's Quicktime Movie click here:

The elevator has been bouncing the past couple days. Literally. It gets to the 4th floor and makes these grinding noises and drops about 4-6 inches and grinds back up and drops again and wiggles and stops, and then eventually the door opens and I crawl out.

This is not just in my mind. I have confirmed this with other elevator users.

So, if anyone's lookin for me, I'll be taking the stairs.

KTare282: Hello, sister.
MeganK77: Hello, sister.
KTare282: How are you this morning?
MeganK77: sleepy
MeganK77: there was a fire at 4am
KTare282: Just the alarm going off or fire?
MeganK77: little fire
KTare282: Oh, well, at least it was a little one and you're not dead.
MeganK77: everyone just layed in bed and listened to the alarm
MeganK77: and then there was screaming in the hallway
KTare282: Oh, man. That's no good.
MeganK77: they yelled, "Grab your valuables! Its a real fire!"
KTare282: Yikes. They weren't panicking at all were they?
MeganK77: So we all got dressed and ran downstairs
MeganK77: not really
MeganK77: a guy and girl were running down our hall knocking on all the doors
KTare282: Did you grab your valuables?
MeganK77: got my wallet with my keycard
MeganK77: thats about it
MeganK77: I considered taking my laptop but it's heavy
KTare282: Yeah. I'm glad that everything's alright.
MeganK77: yeah
MeganK77: it was actually on my floor
MeganK77: around the corner
KTare282: That's a little scary. Did anything of the person's get damaged?
MeganK77: there was a lot of smoke
KTare282: No good smoke.
MeganK77: It didn't spread past the apartment that it started in. I don't know about the details beyond that
MeganK77: we were let back in around 5:30 so I didn't bother asking for details
KTare282: Yeah, that's pretty bad.
MeganK77: We went over to the 24 hour lounge in the freshman area to keep warm, I got to hang out with both MWalsh's and Greg and Jenny G.
KTare282: That's cool.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

So yeah. I watched TV last night until 3am wafting in and out of conciousness. I turned it on halfway through an episode of "Futurama" and shut it off after I got to see the first half of the very same episode when they replayed it several hours later. I love nights of pointless vegging out.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Painfully painfully tired.

I believe it's nervous breakdown time. Cry cry sob. My life is so hard. Sniffle sniffle sniffle.
Ok glad we got that taken care of. Now where to begin:

1. Memorize 20 pages of dialogue for the audience of 150 I'm expecting in just over a week
2. Analyze the script for the play I'm directing in time for the meeting tomorrow including character sketches, timeline, setting, imagery, production calendar, and budget.
3. Write my "brief" 5-8 page essay on the Protestant Reformation.
4. Read two plays by Aristophanes for my quiz.
5. Stop trying to ask dead fish out on dates. (That one's for the box girls)
6. Read the 200 pages of european history I've lagged behind on.
7. Sleep
8. Order new contact lenses
9. Get my car fixed
10. Keep up on current events
11. Call friends and family I haven't talked to in several months.
12. Schedule headshots by March 1
13. Pay my bills
14. pee pee
15. Stop whining and get to work

Ok enough of this crap, time to watch TV

The weather was actually less than painfully cold today.

The campus is all abuzz because the two leading Democratic candidates visited GMU in the past two days. Mason was all over CNN. Larry King actually interviewed Kerry from the GMU Bookstore, and linked him via satellite with Dole in Moscow. Fairfax to Moscow! wow!

Unfortunately you won't see me on the telly because I was in rehearsal for Venus the entire time. I took a peek at the pandemonium in the Johnson Center while we were on break, but I didn't really get to see anything. I was impressed at the music selection for the Kerry rally. Much better than the Edwards music. Kerry uses U2. Edwards - Mellencamp. yeah. I wish I had known that before I voted... might have made a difference.

I decided not to vote for Dean. I really like most of his platforms, but he's from Vermont. I keep hearing stuff like, "he's implemented this policy already in Vermont" or look at his record in Vermont. Come ON people it's VERMONT. That might work to his advantage if he was running for president of Canada, but he's NOT. Down here in the good old U S of A we don't wear snowshoes, or drive carabou. Ha! Canada doesn't even HAVE a president! They have a Prime Minister!

I didn't vote for Kerry, because he has a wierd nose. Now many of you might say, "But Megan, don't you like wierd noses?" and I answer you in a roundabout way by saying, "yes, but no" There's a difference between a pronounced nose and a got socked in the face two many times by my stepmom nose. But now that I know he (or his campaign team) like U2, maybe I can look past the nose and support him. (and try to get tickets to the inauguration so I can meet Bono)

In the end, I voted for Edwards, because it seemed like a good idea at the time. There was a cute guy outside asking me to sign up for the Mt. Vernon Democrats email list and I got all flustered. Actually I preferred Edwards' healthcare plan. I don't really understand it. But it's there. Besides he took the time to visit GMU before the polls closed.

And I signed up for the email list.

I know I know, Republicans have more money, but until you introduce me to a cute republican, I'll be at the Kerry rally singing along with Bono.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

So we are NOT special. There were valentine lollypops all over the hall yesterday. That sucks. If you are going to give girls stuff and make them feel good about themselves at least use a little variety! Maybe alternate red and pink so people think maybe they are the only ones on the floor with RED lollypops. I really hate valentines day. If people are really in love they should express it every day so there's really no need to create a holiday to remind the lonely and bitter people how lonely and bitter we are.

Things for "Moo" are starting to take off. I think I've assembled a pretty good team of designers. If only I had a Stage Manager. Does anyone know a good SM I could have? SMs can make or break a show, so this is very stressful.

"Venus" is going to be a great show, but I could REALLY use a day off. I am SO burnt out right now. I actually had to pull out my calendar to schedule 3 hours of shopping time with Maggie and Danielle on Sunday and just before I left to meet them I checked my bank balance and found out I had negative money in my account. That hasn't happened in years. It only happened because when Lena's dad died last week I lent her some money for her plane ticket to Korea for the funeral. I've never been very good with math.

I never have time to do my reading for my classes. At rehearsal during the 5 minutes that I'm actually NOT onstage I always pull a gymnastics mat out and take a nap on the floor. I don't know my lines at all because the second I get home from rehearsal every night at 11:30pm I watch the Daily Show, then Futurama, and if I can manage to stay awake long enough, Family Guy. It's the only way I have any idea what is going on in the world. Then I shove everything that was on my bed onto the floor, and what seems like two minutes later the sun is up and I have to go to class again at 9am. I scheduled myself with morning classes so I could take afternoon naps, but that hasn't happened even once this semester. I fill my naptime with meetings and work hours. It sucks. No really. The suck is turned so far up on my life right now that the dial broke.

Also I still have what feels like mosquito bites on my leg from Mexico. It's probably some new fatal illness that hasn't been discovered yet. Well, until it's discovered I'll keep scratching at it. Speaking of Mexico, my teacher liked my website. So I don't think I'm going to fail anymore. All I need are Cs in all my classes and I'm totally out of here. I'm going to miss the university community, but I'm definitely NOT going to miss my classes. I love being in college, but I hate Gen Ed. Courses and graduation requirements.

I went to get my exit audit done and apparently there was a glitch, I was missing two credits of "Fine Arts outside the Major" say what??? I went to ART SCHOOL for a year!! But those credits never transferred. how convenient. So I had to add another class to my schedule. I've talked to a bunch of my professors about it, including the head of the department, and they all make comments like, "This class really won't affect your workload much." or "eh, just take the class." I even talked to Rick, the associate dean and also the teacher of the class and he scoffed and said, "you will be an asset to the class" and I'm like "What IS the class??" The best answer I could get is that it's the kind of class that only meets for like one hour every two weeks but to make up for the other hours, you go see plays and visit art galleries and write papers about what you see. Oh yeah I do that stuff in my "free time" anyways, but writing papers about it... ? I cannot name names but one of my teachers actually implied that the class is a joke, but took it back immediately because it's unprofessional to say stuff like that. Still it's the principal of the thing. I took drawing, painting, sculpture, art history, and graphic design. I have a friggin portfolio... somewhere around here. I can't even get the 2 credits? Everyone I asked said this class I'm signed up for is easier than trying to set up a portfolio review with the art department. I'll give it a try.

I guess I'll sleep when I'm dead.

"You are the all singing all dancing scum of the universe."

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Monday, February 02, 2004

Have I told you lately how much I hate myself?
Well then I won't start today.

Let's just say I deserve to be beaten severely for the mental anguish I inflicted on myself today. It's a long story. Maybe I'll tell it in detail later, maybe I won't. But I might have caused myself not to graduate on time because of my addiction to internet cartoons. I really deserve to be punished for this.

But the Lord works in mysterious ways. After my mad sprint across campus to turn my paper in on time (which you may have guess I failed at) and walking back home wallowing in my mysery. I was pondering exactly HOW bad the repercussions could be, and a friendly face drives past yelling my name and waving. That's always nice. Then I reach my apartment and there are valentine lolly pops on the door. Now of course my first instinct is to shove the stem of the lollypop through the drywall or or the flesh of an unsuspecting passerby. But then I look at the other doors and realise that we are the only ones in the hallway with such tasty treats taped to the door. How nice. We are special. And whoever did it didn't give one to Sharine. Poor Sharine. Immediately I was distracted from my self loathing and moved the lollypops to our individual doors so she wouldn't see them and feel left out. Now I am at the computer again, and concocting a plot to dazzle my spanish teacher into giving me partial credit for my crapy crapy late Spanish Journal.
Hi Jessica!