
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Oh the irony...

"Benedict's Sept. 12 address at the University of Regensburg in his native Germany was interpreted as linking Islam to violence and sparked an uproar in many Muslim countries leading to sometimes violent demonstrations and reprimands from political leaders. "

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ethyl Merman

Box Office Joshua, dressed up for a night on the town.

Monday, September 18, 2006

FDA Issues Spinach Warning

This story was sent to you by: Megan

Thank goodness I haven't been grocery shopping lately. I pick up a bag of spinach every time. It proves my theory that vegetables are bad for you.

FDA Issues Spinach Warning

The bagged product is suspected in an E. coli outbreak that has killed one and sickened 48.

By Rong-Gong Lin II
Times Staff Writer

September 15 2006

An ongoing outbreak of E. coli has killed one person and sickened at least 48 others in eight states, prompting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday to advise against eating fresh, bagged spinach.

Although the investigation remains preliminary, officials suspect the virulent strain of E. coli bacteria came from pre-washed spinach, infecting people in Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Michigan, Oregon, New Mexico and Utah, said Dr. David Acheson, chief medical officer for the FDA's food safety center, at an evening news conference. Wisconsin has been hit the hardest, with at least 20 cases, including the patient who died.

"It's increasing by the day," Acheson said of the tally of cases.

One possible case is under investigation in California, where the bulk of the nation's spinach is grown. California health officials said they were working with federal authorities to investigate any possible sources of the outbreak in this state, a spokeswoman said.

For unknown reasons, the infections have been associated so far only with spinach that has been bagged, not unpackaged greens. That raises the possibility that contamination occurred either in fields dedicated to packaged spinach or during processing.

The FDA announcement came after Wisconsin and Oregon officials contacted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday to report unexpected surges in E. coli cases. So far, the 49 cases identified share the same genetic fingerprint, suggesting a connection, officials said.

The number of cases, which primarily have affected adult women, could climb. Officials urged anyone with bloody diarrhea or diarrhea accompanied by severe cramps — signs of E. coli infection — to contact a doctor. When ingested, the suspected strain of E. coli, O157:H7, can produce powerful toxins and, in rare cases, trigger a serious condition that can lead to kidney failure.

Although officials recommended avoiding fresh bagged spinach altogether, boiling the greens probably would kill the E. coli.

"We are not advising people to cook product that may have E. coli," Acheson said. "What we're advising people is, don't eat it."

Acheson said the illnesses began at the end of August, but some state officials said they were investigating cases reported as recently as Thursday, which suggests the problem is not over.

Officials are not certain where the spinach involved in the outbreak came from. California, the No. 1 producer in the nation's $200-million fresh spinach industry, supplies 74% of the country's crop.

The announcement of the outbreak comes just weeks after federal and state officials launched a wide-ranging evaluation of growing and processing practices in the Salinas Valley, focusing on leafy greens.

That evaluation stems from eight previous outbreaks of E. coli O157:H7 nationally since 1995, all linked to lettuce and spinach grown in the area, known as the "Salad Bowl of the World." Those outbreaks sickened at least 217 people around the nation and killed two at a retirement home in Northern California.

As a result of the latest outbreak, "I believe that consumer confidence will be shaken at least in the short term," said Christine Bruhn, director of the Center for Consumer Research at UC Davis and a national expert on consumer attitudes toward food. "But I'm aware that the produce industry, particularly in California and throughout the nation, is working really hard to address all possible sources of contamination."

Industry representatives Thursday encouraged consumers to heed the FDA's advice, while acknowledging that the recommendation would probably have a significant economic impact.

"We want consumers to take the advice of the authorities, absolutely. We are working with the federal and state authorities to try to determine what the source is and exactly what we're dealing with," said Amy Philpott, a spokeswoman for the United Fresh Produce Assn., based in Washington, D.C.

The FDA did not identify a specific supplier, grower, brand or region of the country where the suspect spinach might have come from.

"It might be just one brand and one production date, but it might not. The evidence is ambiguous," said William E. Keene, senior epidemiologist for the Oregon public health division, noting that most people generally don't keep bags or receipts of the produce they buy. "The problem we're dealing with is most of the cases cannot identify the brand and the package type clearly."

Jeff Smith, spokesman for the Washington state Department of Health, said: "Nobody wants to point fingers yet until they know they are pointing in the right direction."

But at least one attorney already has filed a suit related to the outbreak. Bill Marler, a lawyer specializing in foodborne illnesses, sued Dole Food Co. on Thursday on behalf of Gwyn Wellborn, 27, an escrow writer from Salem, Ore., who he said fell ill after eating a bag of Dole baby spinach.

Four days later, she was experiencing bloody diarrhea and severe cramping, said her husband, David. She spent seven days in an intensive care unit, where she had trouble breathing because of liquid in her lungs, had a blood transfusion and suffered partial kidney failure, he said. She is now recovering at home.

Dole, which issued a recall last year on suspected tainted bagged salad, could not be reached for comment late Thursday. Marler said he was preparing at least one more lawsuit against the company related to the outbreak.

Some growers say produce safety has vastly improved in the last decade and their operations are regularly inspected. At a plant recently visited by The Times in the Salinas Valley, produce was soaked, inspected and bathed in three separate baths of water, chlorine and citric acid to kill bacteria before being spun-dried and bagged by machine.

But produce need be contaminated with only a small amount of E. coli for a person to fall ill. The E. coli O157:H7 strain, which lives in the intestines of healthy cattle and is present in manure, is passed to humans when they ingest the bacteria.

How E. coli is contaminating fresh produce is a mystery to health officials. Some hypotheses include tainted dust blowing over fields, birds eating tainted cattle droppings and then contaminating fields with their own tainted droppings, contaminated floodwater, and workers carrying the bacteria on their hands or clothes.

In the 1990s, the O157:H7 strain was associated with undercooked hamburger meat served at Jack in the Box restaurants, which sickened hundreds, and unpasteurized Odwalla apple juice, which killed a baby girl and sickened more than 60 others.

In the 1996 Odwalla outbreak, sales plummeted and the company paid a $1.5-million fine after pleading guilty to 16 misdemeanor criminal charges.

Such outbreaks are difficult to trace because it can take weeks for a person to fall ill enough to go to a doctor and for the correct lab tests to be completed and forwarded to health officials.


Times staff writer Mary Engel contributed to this report.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Life Imitates Art

This is Vito the house manager doing an impression of Fabulous Aaron.
Tipping is still sexy, but house managers typically don't get tipped.

...with good reason.
- Megan

Friday, September 08, 2006

In your Facebook

This story was sent to you by: Megan

In your Facebook

Site's users protest a new feature
they say invades privacy

From news services

September 8 2006 is suddenly getting the cold shoulder on campus.

The operators of the Web site wanted to help users save time by highlighting changes their friends make to their personal profile pages. Instead, the new feature has drawn complaints from thousands of its users and even threats of a boycott.

The backlash is over Facebook's decision this week to deliver automated, customized alerts known as News Feeds.

The feature culls fresh information users post about themselves--Tim is now single--and delivers it in headline-news format to their network of buddies. Facebook unveiled the feature at midnight Monday, saying it would make new information easier to find. Within hours, online protest groups were formed, and thousands of people had joined.

"You went a bit too far this time, facebook," read an introductory message for Students Against Facebook News Feed, a protest group created by Northwestern University student Benjamin Parr and a student at the University of Iowa.

Meanwhile, a student at the University of Florida launched "A Day Without Facebook" campaign to get members there to organize a boycott of the site on Tuesday.

The new feature is "a little bit creepy," said Hilary Lee, 20, a junior at the University of Chicago. "Everyone on campus is upset about it. ...

"This is all information that you could find out if you were interested enough, but to have it presented on a silver platter is kind of unnerving."

For example, Lee said, News Feed let you know when someone's online, which "makes it easier to find them, if you wanted to go to their house or something."

Such a strong reaction in defense of privacy is rare among the teens and twentysomethings who grew up in the era of public disclosure in the form of blogs, video sharing and reality TV. Until now, questions about the wisdom of disclosure were raised primarily by parents, teachers and university administrators, while students flocked to Facebook and similar sites such as MySpace, Xanga and LiveJournal.

Joining Facebook requires a legitimate e-mail account at a school or business. Members can decide how private they want their profile to be by limiting access, for example, to only undergraduates, faculty or individuals. As a result, Facebook has fewer than 10 million registered users, compared with some 108 million at MySpace.

The protests led Facebook's founder and Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg to post a response titled, "Calm Down. Breathe. We Hear You."

"We're not oblivious of the Facebook groups popping up about this,'' Zuckerberg wrote of the protests. "And we agree, stalking isn't cool; but being able to know what's going on in your friends' lives is. This is information people used to dig for on a daily basis, nicely reorganized and summarized so people can learn about the people they care about."

Some Facebook users say the new feature is par for the course.

"I don't understand why people put their entire lives on the Internet. If you're going to put so much up, you have to expect that the whole world is going to see it," said DePaul freshman Claire Napoletano, 18.

Facebook prides itself on privacy.

A user's profile details, including contact information, relationship status and hobbies, generally are hidden from others unless they are part of that user's network of friends or institution, such as a college.

In addition, users have the option of hiding specific details from certain users--choosing, for instance, to show photos to college buddies but not to co-workers.

Zuckerberg said Thursday that privacy remains central to the site, but he acknowledged the company misstepped and "failed to communicate to our users actively what it actually meant for them." Zuckerberg said Facebook was working on giving users additional privacy options.

The safeguards, expected as early as Friday, would let users block from feeds entire categories--such as changes to the groups they belong to--while still allowing people to observe such changes by visiting the profile page.

[ RedEye's Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz, AP, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal contributed. ]

Monday, September 04, 2006

So I was just browsing the internet, as I sometimes do, and I found a little message board forum for George Mason students and alumni. The only alumni posting was asking folks where they are now. The poster had mentioned that he is still in NoVA and so the few subsequent replies were all regarding location. Like, "I'm in Atlanta but thinking about moving to Charlotte."

I don't know why that bothers me.

Maybe because in the current age of global communication I don't see how location matters as much as it used to. Also, who friggin cares what town you moved to? What I want to know in that kind of forum is what you've done with your education? Where have you gone career-wise? Or if not that, have you started a family? Or joined a cult? Or wandered alone in the mountains?

"Where are you now?"
Its such a loaded question. It pains me that so many people responded with such mundane answers. I just don't understand how so many people can go through life with their eyes closed.

That's like answering "I'm in my home, typing on a computer." I would have actually prefered that answer because that would have been an honest assessment. Answering by just stating the name of the city you are in, without any kind of modifying details implies a lack of commitment to how your life is going. If you don't really like "where you are" and you don't want to share how inadequate you feel about how far you've come since graduation, then why would you take the time to post useless facts about your geographic location?

The internet is a crazy thing.

The fact that you are still reading this, is a crazy thing.

and WHY oh WHY do people post blogs on MySpace and then set them to private? If you don't want other people to read it, then save it to your hard drive, or use one of those quaint antiquated pens they sell at the drug store, and write your thoughts on a piece of paper.

This is me.
This is where I am.

I'm in Chicago.

I'm in my room, but I'm thinking about moving to the laundromat.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I love the Dunkin Donuts ads starring They Might Be Giants.

Here's one someone taped off TV and posted on youtube.

For better quality and lots of laughs go to the Hill Holliday Ad Agency Blog and scroll down to the bottom.

My favorite is called "Tree"