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Monday, May 30, 2005

Who ARE these people?
Danni's Pics of Nancy's Wedding

I'm so glad I went to the wedding. I had a great time and it was so cool to hang out with the old school peeps. I mean I already see Danni and Matt sometimes and Keysha on a rare occaision but it was very cool to see everyone together. I have only hung out with Nancy like 3 times in the past 5 years, but when we got to the reception it felt just like old times. There were some classic Nancy moments that I will always cherish. I need to to a better job of keeping in touch with her. Of course I need to do a better job of keeping in touch with a lot of people.

It was really great to spend a few minutes with Joanne. I never really hung out with her in highschool. Now I really wish I had. I always thought of her as Nancy's cooler friend, I never really felt worthy. My main memories of Joanne are of her and Meghan in history class junior year teasing me about my relationship with my first boyfriend. It wasn't bad teasing, more like a running joke about how strange it was that he hadn't kissed me yet... the joke lasted several months. I never knew how wise they were until a few years later when he came out of the closet.

This weekend reminded me of a lot of people who were on the edge of being friends that I really should have made more of an effort with. There are hundreds of people I have met in the past 28 years that I remember fondly and wonder about. If you're reading this... hey guys! Drop me an email, or look me up on Myspace or Thefacebook or something, whatever. It would be nice to hear from you.


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