
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

Upcoming MeegShows!

Monday, May 16, 2005

yes... She used CHUDs in a sentence...

Did you know that the DC/Baltimore area has a vibrant community of super
talented theatre professionals?
Of course you did - you may be one of them.

BUT did you also know that it is also home to hundreds of witty
improvisers as well?
No longer satisfied with being the CHUDs of the DC/Baltimore Theatre
scene, improvisers everywhere are surfacing with a vengeance!

Check it out!

Stuff yourself on mounds of mmm-prov goodness!!
We have a smorgasbord of shtick!
This week's menu includes:
* DC Improv Comedy School Cast
* The Well-Sung Players
* The Loyal Opposition
* The BLUE Show
* Baltimore Improv Group

DC.IRGO stands for DC's Improv Repository of Goings On. It is a
calender based "menu" of what improv shows are playing each week in
D.C., Baltimore and surrounding areas. DC.IRGO.ORG includes venue and
ticket information and links to appropriate websites for each
performance. We make it easy for you sit back and enjoy D.C.'s precious
plethora of unscripted theatre.

So bookmark the page and refer to it whenever you feel like making
things up as you go along.

If you know of an upcoming show that should be on the DC.IRGO.ORG
calendar feel free to add it, or contact me if you have any questions.

- Megan


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