
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Monday, May 09, 2005

Sooooo gay

Some are of the school of thought that someone is either gay or not,
much like a person can be pregnant or not or dead or not. There are no
degrees of gayness.

Until now.

I just met the gayest kid ever. The sad part is I don't know if he
knows it yet. I was working my sales job at one of the "Mart" stores
and in a matter of minutes this 12-15 year old kid told me I was
fabulous, picked up a pink shirt and told the shirt it was cute, and
told himself out loud that he has gotten sooo fat. Actors playing gay
aren't even that gay.

And his conservative looking asian mother just kept shopping. I wanted
to help him play dress up by offering him a blue hat but I figured at
his age it's best for him to stay under the radar. He was very ADHD as
well... The only way that kid doesn't get beat up on a regular basis is
if he is homeschooled.

Let us all say a little prayer for tolerance and embracing the
individuality of the unbelievable characters we encounter in life.

Work yo big ole asian ass boi!

- Megan


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