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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

By the way...

Riding Bikes is GOOD!
People dying of AIDS is BAD!
Zach has more than double his donations in the past week and is now at $395 but his brother Greg is kicking his ass with $1025! The race is still on! Every dollar counts!!

Seriously... you can donate as little as ONE DOLLAR if you want. Come on... one dollar? You can handle that. What are you going to do with it? Buy beer? Are you saying one little beer is more important to you than finding a cure to a devastating world-wide disease? Not even a whole beer... just like a part of one. And you probably drink lite beer too... you little wuss.

Fine. Keep your dollar. Drink your lite beer. HELL!

I was just reminded because I got a letter in the mail today from San Francisco AIDS Foundation thanking me for my donation. I feel like such an adult... being thanked for a donation like that. Mostly I felt adult-ish because the moment I saw the envelope I thought I better put that in my tax folder right away so I can deduct it next year!

Fighting AIDS is GOOD!
Getting a phat tax refund is EVEN BETTER!


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