Do you believe in Destiny?
About a year ago I was shopping at DSW and I came upon the cutest pair
of pink suede boots with fuzzy pompoms. I couldn't bring myself to
spend $80 on them so I wrote down the name hoping to see them on sale at
a later date. The were Steve Madden "Iglou" in pink suede.
Time passed...
Twilla and I went shopping after work one day and we spotted the exact
same pair of boots, but with a Parade of Shoes logo on them. We both
tried them on... But neither could afford the boots.
A few weeks later...
Twilla Boo came strutting into work wearing THE pink suede boots!
Apparently she happened to go back to the store with her mom and find
Parade of Shoes having a "going out of business sale". I tried to steal
the boots, but we do not wear the same size. Alas!
Christmas Clearance time...
With Christmas money in hand I was finally ready to purchase the boots.
I scoured the land and the internet trying desperately to locate a pair
of Size 9 Pink Fuzzy Suede Boots. They didn't have to be Steve Madden!
I would've taken an immitation! But unfortunately Madonna had taken a
liking to my boots. Once she was photographed in MY boots, they became
a precious endangered resource.
I was sad...
I would NEVER see my boots again...except on Twilla. Life is so cruel.
I gave up on my boots.
So today I went to see an apartment.
Today I met a girl who could have been my "Sliding Doors" twin. An art
teacher. Living in the city above a store. With a DOG! If she had a
really wacky out there boyfriend with an interesting nose I think I
would've needed medical attention. (She probably wants one)
There were a lot of glaringly obvious problems with the place, but I
felt like I was home and we talked easily for almost an hour.
As I turned to leave
I saw THEM
My heart stopped in agony. I let out a sigh and asked, "oh...are those
your boots?" planning to compliment her taste.
She said, "oh that's my pile of stuff for the garage sale. Do you want
"What?" "I" ...was speachless
"Yeah my friend gave them to me. I love them but I never wear them.
What size are you?"
"A 9, but I hear they run small..."
"Yeah they do. These are 10s. My friend and I are both 10s. That's
why we couldn't wear them. They would probably fit you better."
...and a choir of angels sang...
I felt the sweet soft suede on my arms as I held them close. "You're
shittin me! You have no idea! Are you sure?" I cried out in
"Sure!" she replied. "Whether or not you take the apartment, please
...take the boots."
So now I'm the owner of a pair of perfectly fitting 2004 Steve Madden
Pink Suede Iglou boots!
...and maybe a new friend.
The End.
At August 05, 2005 5:23 PM,
Chandira said…
Awesome.. I like happy endings, 'specially where shoes and new friends are involved..
And hey, I miss the Geese on my local lake too.. Geese rock.
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