Another Weekend
I've had 3 job interviews in the past 2 days. Man getting a job in
Chicago is tough. I've had a lot of different jobs in my life and I
don't think I've ever been interrogated like this in my life. Everyones
got a list of preset questions to ask me. And these are all
"preliminary" interviews. Back home I think I got offered every job I
ever interviewed for. I started taking for granted the fact that if I
could just get in the door I would be employed within a week. But
things are different in Chitown.
I took some fun pics of my improv team at a free jazz show we went to in
Millenium Park last night. I wish I could just email them to the blog
from the Sidekick, but I still haven't found a way to do that yet. So
you will have to wait till I can get to SCREENZ.
One of the students from another improv group at IO organized a
vollyball tournament today. I was sad that one of my interviews
conflicted but now that I'm done I think I should be able to catch the
I suck at volleyball anyway. But there's nothing better than chillin in
the sun with improv peeps.
At July 28, 2005 11:12 AM,
Matt said…
KEEP PLUGGIN! You'll get a job - no problem. And keep posting stuff "for actors back home." I love to imagine I could be an extra. Maybe someday I'll go to one of those calls! HA!
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