
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Friday, July 08, 2005

The Terror Won't Find Me Under the Snow.

So in case you haven't been paying attention I'm still in Chicago...
Anyways... This morning getting on the L I got interviewed by local news
lady. She asked if I had any reservations about getting on the L "in
light" of recent events. I hate how the words "in light" are always
used in reference to terrorist attacks. Ugh.

I said I hadn't even thought about it until you just mentioned it. "So
you're not afraid?" Well we all have to get to work. I have to get to
where I'm going - unless you're offering me a ride to the airport?
", so you're not bothered by the additional security?" Well I'm
from D.C. so I feel pretty safe in Chicago.

If I can ride the Metro every day in the most hated city in the world,
then I'm sure I can ride the L a day after an attack across the ocean.
I mean Chicago's only crime against the world would be feeding people
too well. Besides Al Queda always attacks at 9am-ish and I have to be
at the airport by 7:30.

She really wanted me to be scared. Evil representative of the media -
you guys are the real terrorists. Now I'm over-thinking it and feeling
claustrophobic in the tunnels under the tallest building in the world.
I would be scared if you hadn't told me to be.

Mmm... I smell popcorn


  • At July 16, 2005 11:01 PM, Blogger Buggie said…

    I live in DC but would rather live in Chicago. Do you ever go to Stanley's in Lincoln Park? I am terrified of the cabs in Chicago. Those drivers have no fear.


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