Working... Sort of
So right now I'm backstage at Urban Theatre Company's production of
"Short Eyes."
Why am I backstage? Because I'm in the show sillies. I play a man
dressed up as a woman. Its always been a dream of mine to be a drag
queen and now I get to do it and meet cool Chicago theatre people at the
same time. Everyone is really great. My part only lasts like 20
seconds but afterwards the cast comes by and says what a good job I
did. Maybe since I was a last minute addition they are just grateful to
have someone in the part at all.
Still no day job yet. I never thought it would be harder to find a day
job than an acting job.
Improv classes are going well. Mel, Zach, and I all ended up in the
same class! Everyone in the class is great. We're like a big
dysfunctional family.
At July 16, 2005 9:50 PM,
Keith said…
Long live the queen. I'm sure you're simply FABulous. So the play is already in production? Congratulations on landing a role without six weeks of rehearsals! Congrats also on finding a new dysfunctional family, but try not to forget about your LA dysfunctional family.
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