
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

Upcoming MeegShows!

Friday, January 16, 2004

Our first set of question is from Mr. Tim Kelleher:

'Do they have any leathermen (leathermans) (leatherpersons) in Mexico?'
Not that I have seen. But there are lots of silly american girls that like to lie out by the pool at the school in the afternoon. I'm sure they will be leatherpeople in a few years.

'When are you coming home?'
The plane comes in Sunday night. I plan on moving back to campus Monday. Classes and rehearsals start Tuesday. So I'll be seeing y'all sometime in June.

Mr. Kelleher also adds:
'Do you know what you call the Mexican who your daughter is engaged to?
A Spaniard.'


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