The Lottery
So I had my first rehearsal for The Lottery, my show at I.O. and consequently overslept for work by a whole hour. oops! Haven't done THAT in a while. I'm still shaking from the realization that it was light outside when I woke up and screaming HOLY CRAP!! Maybe this will reinforce my statement to my boss that I'm "not a morning person." I'm actually sort of thankful that I didn't get that job at Starbucks, they were going to put me on mornings... ew.
So besides my impending doom when my boss confronts me with complaints from little old ladies who didn't get to work out this morning, The Lottery is going to be pretty cool.
My recommendation that friends and family not come for the first couple weeks was probably a good idea. I think we are going to be a few more weeks. The guys are great! Don't get me wrong! But we are doing a full, by the books, Harold. It's really hard to have a group
mind when we just met yesterday. AND since we are from different class levels, some of us didn't know what a group game is. Which is understandable. How would you feel if you just signed up for an introductory class and were suddenly thrown into a full main-stage
production with out any instruction. Scary!
But the really cool part is we are playing with real improvisers who have been doing this for like 10 years or more. We meet them and warm up with them like 20 minutes before the show. Again, not a lot of time to work on the group mind stuff, but I'm willing to risk it for a chance
to be on stage with Susan Messing. You might remember her from some of my posts about the I.O. 25th anniversary. She did that show with Andy Dick called "Messing with A.Dick" She is amazing. I'm a bit scared. She's very intimidating as a person in general off stage as well.
Another person that people in the real world will be clueless about, but Chicago improv students might be impressed by is Andy St.Clair. Some might know him as the "David Duchovney looking guy" who performs with Molly Erdman in Pie. So yeah, I'm mixing with local celebs and trying very
hard not to be nervous.
The next 8 weeks could really decide my entire fate. No, not nervous at all.
I really like being the girl.
At October 13, 2005 6:14 PM,
Keith said…
Who's the girl? You're the girl.
At October 19, 2005 8:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
The website for "The Lottery" said only the most skilled person is chosen from each class level. So, you are the girl chosen and the most skilled, and I think that speaks for itself. Congrats!!!
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