The Story of the Improv Olympic 25th Anniversary:
Once upon a time there was a girl named Meegs. She really wanted go home and visit her family and friends, but the evil Zach left without her and she was stranded in Chicago. No money, no friends, and nobody to help her move into her new apartment.

So to make the best of things, she decided to go to the big IO 25th Anniversary shows happening all weekend. Now this seemed an impossible task, considering Meegs didn't have a ticket to any of the sold out shows, but she figured she could at least make a fool of herself by sitting on the sidewalk outside the theatre.

While she was sitting outside the theatre, cardboard sign in hand, looking pathetic, Mo Collins came outside to smoke a cigarrette. Mo took pity on the sad little Meegs on the ground, but alas had no ticket to give her.

Finally after over an hour of being dissed by the standing and walking people on the sidewalk, a kind lady offered Meegs a spare ticket to the late show, know as "The Armando Diaz Theatrical Experience and Hootenanny" to begin at 10:30. Meegs was so happy, since this was the show she REALLY wanted to attend! Meeg's new friend had another spare ticket to sell and a nearby bicycle-rikshaw driver asked her for it. She rejoiced at selling her tickets and went in to the early show.

Meegs and Earl accidentally sat right next to her other new friend Mary. After talking for a while Mary and Meegs agreed that the bike-riksha guy was kinda sketchy and that Earl should take the ticket to the 10:30 show. Earl was quite happy to oblige and the three new friends enjoyed both shows together.

After the show Meegs partied with Tim Meadows and several other celebs including Rachel Dratch, Amy Pohler, Andy Richter, Andy Dick and her new friend Mo Collins.
The next evening, Meegs took her signage downtown to the big celebration at the Chicago Theatre. Hoping to see Mike Myers and Horatio Sands. ... and she did (cameras were not allowed inside the theatre)...and they all lived happily ever after!

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