The moment has passed
So while I was lounging on the couch feeling the breeze and listening to
The Beta Band in perfect bliss, apparently my other roomate Lois was in
the kitchen cooking up a present for me.
Lois doesn't like me. When we met, she was totally cool. Let me pet
her, licked my face, etc. But when I got here last night she wouldn't
stop barking. Every time I entered the room or even looked at her the
wrong way, she'd make a big stink about it.
Within 5 minutes of getting all my stuff into my room last night she
staged a protest by peeing in the direct center of my bedroom carpet.
So I kept my door shut from that point on. I understand that I'm
invading her territory, but I'm paying rent! I'm assuming more than
her, that four legged freeloader!
Apparently when I sat on the couch next to her to enjoy the music, I
infringed on her personal space. She retaliated by taking two dumps in
the kitchen each the size of her head AND created a puddle of urine the
size of Lake Michigan that had trickled under the cabinets.
ALL I DID WAS SIT IN HER CHAIR! Crazy psycho roomate!
This means war, BITCH!
- Megan
At August 29, 2005 5:24 PM,
Danni said…
This, my friends, is why I'm a cat person...
At August 29, 2005 6:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think that Lois is trying to take over your other blog -- "Oh The Places I Peed In My Apartment". Don't let Lois have any computer time.
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