
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Thursday, May 06, 2004

Pant's are SO overrated.
I have now completed 3 of the 5 papers I set out to write on Monday. woohoo!

Leena, my roomate on the other side of the apartment, and I are both going crazy. We've been locked in our rooms all day. We each had no idea that the other was here. Then I heard a noise out there, and I poked my head out my door sideways and said, whatcha doin? and she jumped like 3 feet. We made a pact to get eachother outside. So around 11:45 we wandered around campus and I came home with some Ice Cream and a free Red Bull... I've never had one... those things scare me. The study break worked. When we got back I wrote most of my 3rd paper in under 45 minutes. yeah! Now I'm back to procrastinating. The first sentence is always the hardest to write.

I stopped wearing pants about an hour ago. This is what Elly and I would refer to last year as "naked time." We've never had a "naked time" here in B406 and I think that's sad. I danced over to Leena's room and frantically got her attention and announced that I'm not wearing pants. Actually I think I made up a song. She laughed for like 10 minutes. When I finished my last paper I went out there to get Ice Cream and she was like... are your pants back on yet? I was lika what? Dem ting ain't comin back on tonight! I been awake WAY to long to deal wita dem pants.
I'm not sure where the Jamiacan Jarjar Binks accent came from. But it's GOT to GO.

I'd like to apologise in advance to anyone working at the box office today for the drool, the blank stares, and the lack of math skills.


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