
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Thanks to Jessica, I'm listening to the ice cold sounds of Michael Buble. I just think it's cool that his name is Buble. Buble tee hee.

Anyways, so last night after I coaxed Danni and Maggie out of their caves to hang out with me we went to Sweetwater, and even though the crab thingys look like little birdsnests, they are mighty tasty. We sat there with maps of Florida and the Bahamas all over the table plotting our Memorial Day adventures. I'm pretty psyched about this, but I will be more excited after I pass history... if. The waitress looked at our Mount Nerderific pile of tourbooks and asked us if we were going on a trip. Duh. I said something snarky... I think she spit in my food. Whatever.

Afterwards it was only 9 and I didn't want to go back to my whole "passing class" thing that I attempt there, so I decided to do one of the things on my list of "scary things" from my comedy bible. Yep. I finally did it. Shock! Horror! I did the scary thing!

I went to a movie... BY MYSELF!!!


Are you disappointed? You thought I did something else? Haha.
Fooled you.

Well anyways, going to the movie by myself was kind of anti-climactic. It was very cool, because it sure as hell beat the alternative, which is to rent a movie and pause it every 5 mintues for roomate interruptions... yeah it sucks being the only one in my apartment without a tv in the bedroom. I saw 50 First Dates which was awesome! I love Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. And it was a funny, different kind of story. I mean it was predictable, I knew there HAD to be a happy ending, but I had no idea how they were going to make it happen. It was fun and cool.
The only bad thing about going to a movie by myself is I had nobody to say, "hey wasn't that cool?" with on the way to my car. Yeah, but other than that everything was fine. I mean, you're not supposed to talk to people during movies so it makes sense to go alone, but I miss the little nudges and whispers that automatically happen in a good movie. So I would definitely not mind going solo again, but only under extreme circumstances. Like if I end up moving to Chicago and don't know anybody for 500 miles. But other than that, I feel like I have a wide enough social circle that it's not really necessary. I mean there have been many times in the past when I didn't know anybody who wanted to see artsy movies, but over the past couple years I have found some.

It is definitely better to watch a movie in a theatre than at home, for the atmosphere, the lack of interruptions, and the smell of popcorn. So even though I have babbled back and forth about it, my final verdict is: I wouldn't mind going solo to a movie again, but I'll make a couple calls before I do because there's probably someone else out there who wants to see it too who wouldn't mind my little nudges and funny faces during the good parts.


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