LA day... doesn't matter this place is awesome!
Sorry I haven't written in a few days. But I've been having too much fun. I finally had a few moments to catch up with my friends' blogs and I have one thing to say, "Hi Matt's Mom!"
I would also like to say Hi and "Happy Fathers Day" to my dad. Matt, I totally understand where you are coming from. My dad has been my biggest fan since I started this site.
So now on to my CENSORED awesome week in LA:
It would really take too long to write everything I have done since I wrote last so I will start with the most recent and work my way backwards. That way if I get tired... I won't finish...
All I did today was go to Venice Beach with Maddy and her friends. I didn't have a suit and it was too cold for them so we all just layed down on the sand, soaking up the sun fully clothed and talked for a while. Then I came back to the apartment to chillax and plan my trip to Chicago.
I hung out with Holly and Wendy in Silver Lake all afternoon. Walked around and visited some shops... yes you can walk some places in L.A. Then they tried to take me to the Hollywood Forever Cemetary, but apparently it was movie night at the graveyard and we couldn't get in, so we found a cheap kareoke bar instead. We tried to convince Holly to come to The Improv Jam, but Holly didn't want to stay out that late so Wendy and I headed back to Second City. We got there way early and headed next door to The Improv to kill some time. Eventually Mike and Jill showed up to keep us company.
The four of us chilled at the Improv for a while, planning on heading over to the Jam at 11. I had become friendly with the bar staff there and they liked to help me spot celebrities. So around 10:45 bartender said, "you saw who just walked in here, right?" "huh?" "Leonardo DiCaprio just went in to see the show with a couple of girls." "no way" I said. Wendy hadn't been listening she said, "Who?" and he said "Tobey Maguire is in there right now." I said, CENSORED!! You just said Leo was in there. Your making CENSORED up." "They're BOTH in there, doorman told me." he replied. So I gave Wendy a look and told Jill I was going to the bathroom. I went in and watched the show. A few minutes later Wendy joined me. We watched the entire show and immediately as the show ended these two guys got up and quickly left, since I was sitting by the door I got up and followed them. I hung back a little so I wouldn't be too obvious. But just as I got up the nerve to say hi to Tobey, he avoided eye contact and brushed past me to get to the car. DAMN. Wendy was like... "go talk to him!" and I was like no I respect their wishes to be invisible.
We had missed almost half of the improv jam, but we snuck in late and I got to play anyway. There were like 5 other people from my class there. Afterwards friend of Wendy's invited us to a party on the other side of town. I almost said no, but she told me that there would be a lot of improvisers there and it would be good for networking. Well I don't get to LA every day, so why not? As we drove down Melrose, each in our separate cars, I had flashbacks to "Swingers"
When we got to Los Feliz we parked the three cars on this sketchy street next to what looked like an old warehouse. Wendy's friend, Arem, led us down this freaky dark alley and slid a huge currogated metal door to the side to reveal a graffiti covered staircase that read "Crossroads of
Gomorrah" we went up into what looked like a dimly lit apartment. But it was more than just an apartment. Amidst the regular living spaces... there was a theatre. They had converted their living room into a black box. Lighting equipment, a soundboard, even a high quality projector
system. It was beautiful! So many smart actors partying and creating art together... I went to the bar and half expected someone to hand me a glass of absynth. I was tired so I stuck to water. I stayed long enough to converse with one of the other SCLA instructors and he also
thought it was a good idea for me to spend some time in Chicago before moving here.
There is plenty more fun stuff to talk about but I have to go to sleep because Zach Conron and I are getting up early to try to get tickets to The Price is Right!
At June 20, 2005 9:17 AM,
JB said…
Is Tobey still fat? Re: Defamer
At June 20, 2005 5:51 PM,
Matt said…
Is Leo still 12?
At June 24, 2005 10:58 PM,
Meegs said…
He looked pretty normal to me (with an addition of a shaggy beard to disguise his unbelievable cuteness), but I suppose in movie star terms "normal" could be considered fat. I think the pictures at Defamer are just really bad snapshots in baggy clothes.
He doesn't exactly walk around in public wearing makup and a skin-tight spiderman costume. Even though that would be cool for the rest of us.
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