
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

L.A. Day 3

Class yesterday was cool. My teacher David is ca-razay, but in a good
way. Now it is time to answer questions:

1) what is the "butt test" ?
A. If my butt falls asleep during a movie to such an extent that I find
it distracting it means the movie is too long. I loved Mr&Mrs Smith,
but they probably could've shaved a few minutes off.

2) who is "The Dude"?
A. "The Dude" was the name of Jeff Bridges' character in "The Big

3) why don't you post any pictures?
A. I don't know how to from here. I have not taken a huge amount of
pictures because when I went to church on sunday I thought that was all
we were doing so I almost didn't bring my wallet, much less a camera.
And Termite and Froggy will confirm that I'm usually having too much fun
to remember to take pictures.

Now back to my story:
There are about 16 people in my improv class, mostly young pretty girls
trying to be actresses. Only 3 people are from outside LA and one of
them is this guy Miguel from DC. I think I've seen him in one of Zach's
shows. Small world.

A bunch of us had lunch at Fred Segal. That is where I found the
plastic people. Apparenly there was this chick Sarah Silverman there,
but I didn't know who she was (I've never been good with names) and
after she left my classmates were like, "hey DC girl, there went your
first celebrity sighting!" And I was like, "wha? no idea who that
was... a didn't recognise her, besides she wouldn't be the first celebrity I've met."

After class I went over to the Samuel French theatre bookstore... It was
the biggest theatre store I've ever seen!

Then I got home just in time to hop in the car with Maddy, Marilyn
(mom), Laurie(aunt), and Jessica (gymnast/friend) and drive over to
Universal Studios to watch Maddy and Jessica's friend, Vanessa walk down
the red carpet at her movie premier. It think it was called "The
Perfect Man" and it had Heather Locklear and Hillary Duff in it. We got
there kinda late, the big name stars had already gone inside. We almost
missed seeing Vanessa. I saw Ricky Schroeder being interviewed near the
theatre door.

Then we went to a cheap taco stand for dinner... Finally... A meal in LA
under $10!

We were so tired after all the driving that after a quick stop at the
grocery store we all came home and crashed.

No actually Maddy and I went down the hall for a few minutes to play
spoons with her friend Alicia and her boyfriend. Spoons (a card game)
has the potential to be kinda lame with so few people but we had fun.


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