
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Monday, November 29, 2004

So I'm back in the oficina de casting. I'm kind of "phoning in" the phone calls. Its always so hard to go back to work after a holiday. Especially this time of year.

So I'm almost back on the wagon after a weekend of lonliness and defeat (it sucks being depressed on a holiday weekend when most of your drinking buddies are away). I got a couple of emails from casting people today. Apparently I'll be an extra for an FBI training video in Quantico this weekend. And I have a big audition in Philly for a tv show next week. I'll fill you in on the details if I make it past the first cut. Being disappointed on a regular basis is part of acting... its all in how well you recover. It's all good in da hood.


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