
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Chicago was cool... of course. It always is. and by always I mean all two times I've been there in the past month.

This time I went to the beach for a few minutes. I had no idea there was a beach in Chicago. I mean I knew there was water. But seriously I would take the sand at North Ave Beach over Acapulco any day. Well I'll re-evaluate that thought in January, eh?

The audition was odd. It was just like my summer class in the Skybox, but with very stern judgemental strangers in the audience instead of Anne and my wonderful classmates who I feel a pang of nostalgia for as I reminisce about our adventures.

Please forgive the lack of spelling and grammar. I'm a little brain dead tonight. Just took a shot of Nyquil to clear my head. I took on some extra responsiblities at my internship. Basically they have hired me full time for the next 3 weeks to help get the casting done for this movie coming up. I'm on the phone all day with actors. If you know any actors you will comiserate. I myself am an actor... I don't like using the phone because I know how annoying being on the phone with an actor can be.

I hurt.

I've been good about continuing to go to the gym after work every day so I'm not sure if the pain in my neck is a pulled muscle or a blood vessel doing it's best to burst from tension. I saw spots this morning. Not on a twister board or anything, but a little burst of light in the corner of my eye. That's not good. I need to get on that health insurance thing sooner than later. Stupid Republicans and lack of healthcare and funding for the arts. Either one of those things could help me not have a stroke before I'm 30.

FYI- I'm not having dinner with anybody this week. Unless dinner is at 9 or 10 pm because that's about the time I'll be getting home every night.


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