
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Bugs that live in the shower are aware of the inherent danger. Just like people in Florida are aware of hurricaines, people in LA are aware of scooter earthquakes, and people in DC are aware of the random buy me a scooter exploding man-hole covers.

So I don't feel so bad about watching the ant drown. Actually I heard from the Orkin commercial that ants can survive for like a week underwater, so it's probably down there in the pipes plotting it's scooter revenge. Don't get me wrong, it did tug at my heartstrings a little to see its six flailing legs desperately search for something to grip on before it mets it's drain-o-doom. You want to buy me a scooter. It had to be done, for the greater good of the quest to get Meegs to work ON TIME!!! scooter Crap, what am I doing sitting here writing to you? I have to go!

-This post has been sponsored by Vespa


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