WPGC Roll Call!!!
Ok peeps. Now we come to the part of the show where the music stops,
the house lights come up halfway, and we ask for a little audience
participation. I want to know who you are, my beloved stalkers, my
voyeuristic voles.
And I will do my best to hold off on putting up another post for at
least a week to give everyone a chance to play. Go on, tawk amongst
At January 12, 2006 8:58 PM,
Meegs said…
"But what should I say?" you might ask. Just "hi" with a name is fine. Or you could say how you know me (a class, work, been stalking me on MySpace, whatev), a funny story (keep it clean HI MATT'S MOM!), remenisce about your favorite Meegland post from the archives, or just make it all about you and place a personals ad for all the other Meegfans to see. ...love is in the air...ladadadadada...
At January 12, 2006 10:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Love your blog!!
Your comments are always right on!
I wished I had partied with you in Adams-Morgan, when you were here! Call me when you are back in town. I'll text you next time I have to poo.
At January 13, 2006 11:27 AM,
Meegs said…
Anne baby! Great to hear from you! You are the coolest bitch to ever regret not hanging out with me. Forget Adams Morgan, lets get drunk and join in some war protests!
At January 13, 2006 1:05 PM,
Elise said…
Meegs, Love and miss you so much! This is Elise hear, a college friend and fellow actress. Well, right now my tour w/ Missoula Childrens Theatre is finding me in Jackson Hole, WY, right near the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone Park. There are SO MANY hot and intelligent people that live here, I need to tap that! Anyway, next week's destination in RIVERTON, the town where "Brokeback Mt" was shot. Crazy! Anyway, for more on my travels out west, check out my bloggy blog. http://elisearsenault.blogspot.com
I can't promise anything as witty and hip as Meeg's posts, but I can promise PRETTY PICTURES!
At January 13, 2006 1:38 PM,
Danni said…
Me and Meegs go waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. And I think I'm the only high school chum to make it to Chicago to visit as of yet, and I'd love to go back! But not today, I have to continue training for my (keep your fingers crossed, officially submitted my resume yesterday...again...) new job as a Senior Indirect Market Analyst. But soon, hopefully!
At January 14, 2006 9:19 PM,
Keith said…
Meegs and I met last summer at the Second City training center in Los Angeles for improv immersion -- or was it murder? No, I think it was improve. But after our fabulous culminating performance, blood was spilled! Or was it drinks. Yes, I'm sure it was drinks.
At January 15, 2006 9:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
More bubbles, less writing!
At January 16, 2006 1:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have a total friend-crush on Meegs... and she sooo knows it ;)
At January 16, 2006 10:56 AM,
Keith said…
By the way, that was not a typo above. We were improv-ing and improving. Yeah, that's it. Typing is murder.
At January 16, 2006 4:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm Michael, i got drunk with the megan a time or two or three...I dont know, much of my time at GMU is blurry...I guess thats why I still need to go back and get my degree.
Wow. i always learn something about myself from Megan...Thanks!
(But really I love ya and am so happy to see that things are goin so super good.)
At January 18, 2006 1:50 PM,
Meegs said…
Elise! Way to plug yourself! That's what I'm TALKIN about! This girl is the wildest actress west of the Mississippi. Seriously her blog does have awesome pics!
Danni! What can I say? You hold the record for actual man-hours spent on the rollercoaster known as being friends with Meegs. Thank you.
Lucy, I sooo know it! But I exploit it to save money on a hairdresser at my photo shoots. Miss ya babe!
Keith... it was an immersion in murrrrder. You and Wendibus are the only ones who understand why the sound of repetitive toilet flushing backstage can bring me to uncontrollable laughter.
Michael, has your North Carolina accent completely returned? Keep it, the ladies love it! This guy can completely destroy your childhood perceptions about Wonder Woman.
Lois, Lois, Lois... I wish YOU would text message me before you poo. Until then, no more bubbles, bitch.
Keep it coming, y'all!
At January 18, 2006 7:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Meegs, I will flip myself over backwards and possibly cause permanent brain damage rather than let a single bubble touch the floor, just give me a try!!
Or was that just for more coffee?
At January 19, 2006 2:23 PM,
Meegs said…
Ladies and Gentlemen... our first personals ad.
At January 19, 2006 9:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
you know i read your blog, meegs- i correct your spelling errors, like "wierd". ugh, it's so wrong it even hurt me to type that. anypoop, you win best blog award because when you're on, you are ON baby! i miss you. let's get married again. love, weggie.
At January 22, 2006 8:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Meegs – Stop torturing us!!
Tell us more stories of your life in the frozen north:
Like when you worked with Laverne in the brewery.
Or maybe about cooking some tofu.
We have suffered enough. Fie on those who did not answer the roll call!
More Meegs!!
At January 22, 2006 10:06 PM,
Keith said…
Oh, yeah, that was great. Things really went downhill when you moved to California and went to work for a department store. And why did everyone you knew move with you? That never made any sense.
At January 23, 2006 9:54 AM,
Meegs said…
I AM serious, and don't call me Shirley.
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