
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

Upcoming MeegShows!

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Yesterday in New Jersey this bastard was tailgating me for about 5 miles. I couldn't speed up because there was a car in front of me and actually the traffic was pretty heavy... yet moving at about 70mph. So he finally passes me on the right, and cuts into the tiny space in front of me - missing my front right bumper by mere inches. I layed on the horn and flicked him off of course, then I looked at his bumper stickers as he cut off the person to his right. They were all religious including, "Real men love Jesus"

Either this guy stole this car from a minister... or he summed up all my recent experiences of church in a few moments of road rage.

If Jesus really WAS his copilot, he would have been helping the girl in the broken down truck on the side of the road, instead of weaving down the Garden State Parkway at 88mph and endangering my life.


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