
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

Upcoming MeegShows!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

I'm flying to Boston in 6 hours. I have to leave the house in 3. Why? It seemed like a good idea at the time. I'm checking out that new "Independence Air" and that looks cool. Or it did until I got to the "pick your seats" part of the website. Apparently the plane is only 14 rows long and 4 seats wide. Meegie no happy. Little plane no fun. no no no.
no me gusta.

I don't think I'll be giving any updates from the road because I'll be back here by tomorrow night. yes. Just a jaunt up the coast. Or rather a puddle jump up the coast and a drive down with my sister.

I'm really looking forward to meeting Karen's massachusets gang. From the sound of things I think her boyfriend will be giving me a sandwich. mmmm... sandwich.


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