
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

Upcoming MeegShows!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

It's the Kelleher way. Transcend and forget. Life is rosy when you don't remember the bad stuff. I have bruises on my body and I don't know where they came from, because when I bump into stuff (as I am prone to do) I shake it off and forget it ever happened. A couple days later when the brown/black/blue spot appears, I say, "Whoah, that must have been a doozy!"

So a couple months from now, once I have left GMU for good. - and it will be good. I will no longer remember the times people disappointed, hurt, or utterly disgusted me. I will only remember the good times, the Denny's times, the hiding-and-seeking in the PAB times, and even those only vaguely and assisted by visual aids such as pictures and ticket stubs.

I suck at life. It's Miller Time.

I still hate her. just so we are clear on that.


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