Next on the John Cusack tour of Chicago

The Music Box Theater
I happened to catch some of High Fidelity on the TeeVee last night. When it got to the part where he starts calling up his ex-girlfriends to find out how he screwed up (the blonde movie critic to be exact), I noticed as they exited the movie theatre... that it's MY movie theatre! Right down the street!! So I took a pic on my way to work for those of you with mouths agape in disbelief.
I've seen two movies there! Actually one and a half. I saw March of the Penguins, and then I started to go see a midnight showing of "Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo" with Jackie and Mel, but when we found out it would cost almost $10 to see it in the tiny 2nd theatre instead of the big screen we decided a rental and a big screen TV would make more sense. And besides, why the heck were we going to pay $10 to see "Breakin 2" anyways? And SOBER at that?
The big theatre is beautiful. It's a lot like the Uptown in D.C. or the Byrd in Richmond.
So ...NOW who's coming to visit me in Chicago? (ahem...Danni?)
- Megan
At August 20, 2005 4:25 PM,
Danni said…
D'oh!!! A little piece of John and I'm not there to appreciate it. Dammit!!! Too bad Nextel/Sprint isn't headquartered in Chicago - I would move there in a NANOSECOND. But now that I have the new wheels, maybe I'll break them in on a nice little road trip to Chi-Town at some point in the future...
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