
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Sunday, August 29, 2004

"I'd like to tell you a little story about a kid named Pants..."-5/6/2004

My blog is almost a year old now, and today I've been looking back at the events and ramblings of the past 11 months thinking... dear god I hope I didn't write anything bad or incriminating because I've just recently discovered that people actually read this.

There's some funny stuff in here. There's also some really embarassing crap too. The moment I make it big on a random reality TV show (hopefully one where I don't have to eat bugs or sing in front of anybody) I'm going to contact a publisher and have them pay me for a "Best of Meegland" tell-all biography.

But that might take a while. So for my one year blogaversary on October 19th I'd like y'all to tell me what was your favorite moment in Meegland? From the first stanza of drunken poetry... to random answers to fake e-ma... mus... fake emus.

Did something make you giggle? cry? laugh? fall out of your chair? crap yourself? disinfect your computer? burn your pants in effigy? then pee on the fire? or look at a thing in a bag?

Let me know.

I... will make a list!


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