
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Sunday, August 22, 2004

From the Mailbag:

Dear Meegs,

How do you finance your awesome travels? You don't seem to have a paying job at the moment, or any acting/comedy gigs on the horizon. Where does the money come from?

SB, Atlanta

Well Sbat-Lanta since this is a private forum I will share my secret with you. It was kind of a miracle actually.

One day I was checking my email and I got a note from an African prince who's name and country of origin will remain anonymous for legal purposes. Apparently since his country was going nutso he needed a place to stash some cash while he left the continent for a while. He asked that I give him access to my bank account so he could store 500,000 there for a few months and in return he would leave 50,000 in there when he was done. I was pretty excited. 50 Gs just for keeping quiet. Not bad. So I agreed. Now many of you loyal viewers would be worried that this is a scam, but I figured I had nothing to loose since my account was overdrawn anyways.

Turns out it was for real. The next week I deposited my usual $15 paycheck and the balance came back as 500,012. 29! First I took out my contact lenses to get a closer look. Then I went back to the teller and asked for a cashiers check for 500G. If it was a bank error, I figured I'd milk it.

I deposited the check in the bank down the street and then spent the next 3 days transferring the money to banks all over the world. And there you go. By the time the "prince" came back for his money, I was long gone.

Now I'm by no means rich now. This happened several years ago. I spent most of the money on tuition and "Mystery Men" memorabelia. I also invested in a little flick called, "Very Bad Things" which turns out was just an excuse for John Favreau and Christian Slater to blow all my money in Vegas.

My advice to you, SB, is to wait for your parents to get divorced, go a little nutso and hope at least one of them will attempt to buy your love.

Keep on truckin lil camper,


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