
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Sunday, April 25, 2004

I was supposed to go into DC to see some museums today, but then I got invited to the march for Womens's lives by several friends and I saw an article in the Post about IMF protesters and I said, hmmm... maybe today is not such a good day for the National Mall.

When I heard about the march, I thought it was like against violence, or it was for equality or something like that. Yeah March for Womens Lives!! But then last night a friend stopped by all excited about it, saying she had never been to a march or protest in DC and she couldn't wait to confront those stupid anti-abortion protesters. Ba-huh??? Who? What? Where did this come from? I grew up as one of those "stupid anti-abortion protesters." Just because I despise the current political administration doesn't mean I've changed all that much.

I think it's time to dispell some of the myths about Megan's liberal mind:
I've peacefully marched for womens lives 6 or 7 times as a teenager. But they were UNBORN womens lives. I believe that life begins at conception. I believe that all life is sacred. I believe that God should be the only one who decides who lives or dies.

Now, this does NOT mean that I'm pro-conservative bullshitters! They are hippocrites who do NOT respect life. They are taking the lives of innocent bystanders in the middle east to increase their bank accounts with oil. They take the lives of poor people who cannot afford a good attorney when accused of murder. They disrespect us by putting a president into power that the people of america DID NOT VOTE FOR. They take money away from the arts and spend it on tiny bribery to america's military.

This is difficult to explain to some of my friends but I'm not really sure where I stand on the whole "Womens Rights" issue. Should cloning be legal? Just because we CAN do something, does that mean we SHOULD do it? And vice versa just because morally we shouldn't do something, should we make it illegal and punishable? The fact that stabbing someone in the throat is illegal doesn't stop murders from happening. and the speed limit on the street outside my apartment says 25mph but forget that I'm in a hurry.

The reason that people don't see eye to eye on this issue is that there are hippocrites on both sides and they are the ones that get the most press. Nobody cares about people like me that are on the fence. The media covers the "Murderous Pro-Lifer" - such an oxy-moron and there are only a handful in the world! They are bloodthirsty psychos that hide behind a cause and if abortion was completely wiped out, these people would probably move on to another crusade to satisfy their bloodlust. Then there are the "pro-cuteness" people. They like little babies. They think everyone should have little babies. They think the reason that only poor ugly people are given the death penalty is because only poor stinky ugly people commit crimes. I'm not making this up, this comes directly from a debate with one of my roomates last year.

Growing up, the pro-lifers are taught about the dangers of abortion, the emotional after-effects, the moral consequences. In catholic school we were taught that the founder of Planned Parenthood was a member of the Nazi party and that this organization was started to encourage people of minorities to use birth control and get abortions to decrease the population of African-Americans and Latinos in the United States and that anyone who supports Planned Parenthood is also supporting white supremecy. The zealots are shown videos of babies recoiling from the touch of a scalpel in a D&C and told that the nervous system is the first working system in the fetus and that every baby feels pain when aborted.

I remember having to leave the room in religion class because my teacher was describing each type of abortion in medical detail, and they sounded so disgusting and torturous and painful to both mother and child that I got lightheaded and nausous at the very thought. I don't plan on ever doing that to myself.

Women's Lives? Women's Rights? I belive that it starts at home. If you don't want to get pregnant, then don't put yourself in that situation.

As far as the law is concerned? I don't know. I definitely don't want old men in the Capitol Building making decisions about my body. They have no idea what it's like to be me. But at the same time why should one murder be forgiven by the law and others not? Then there is the whole issue of privacy... if the government starts making decisions about the womb, where does it end? I don't want to give up personal control to the people who "thought" there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

In my personal life? In all other forms of murder, self-defense is forgivable. So I guess I would start with that idea. I believe there is no single right answer. Every situation is different. You can't generalize about an entire gender. I don't think you should name a march after a gender, when this gender is not 100% behind what you are marching for.


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