
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Actor's Log
Stardate: 8.1.2004
These are the voyages of an underpaid actor.
Our mission is to get as many gigs as possible to generate enough income to pay for the new clutch for my VW Cabrio.

...and I'm a big nerd.

A big nerd who is in a movie with Patrick Stewart!!!

Muah haha

It was pretty exciting on Sunday at the shoot, but the novelty has kind of worn off now. I'm just glad to put a second notch on my list of paid gigs since graduation. I think I'm doing pretty well. Above average maybe.

But anyone who tells you that being an extra is easy money is lying. I mean there was really no brainwork or heavy lifting, but after Sunday I have a vague inkling of what people in prison camps have to go through. Trying to get comfy on concrete during alternating pouring rain and roasting sun, and carrying all my belongings up and down through the bowels of RFK Stadium like a refugee for 12 hours. Being given noisemakers and then told to be quiet all day. Torture.

I'm really glad I ran into some friends there, that made the day a lot more bearable and even fun in parts. Not fun in a hey yeah lets party kind of way, but more like a isn't it ironic that the Union members have to eat their boxed lunches sitting at tables and we get to eat ours picnic style in a dark corner and nap on the damp floor afterwards? Don't they wish they had a damp corner to nap in?

It reminded me of the bus station in Acapulco... I'll see if I can find a pic to illustrate. I didn't take any pictures Sunday... I'm kinda bummed about forgetting my camera. I really wanted to collect photograpic evidence of all my adventures. Now you will just have to take my word for it.


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