
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

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Saturday, February 25, 2006

L.A. Version 2.0 or Meegs and Maddy Chapter 4

So it begins. Its 6:30am (7:30 Eastern, 4:30 Pacific)on a Saturday and
I'm waiting for the train to Midway. Freeeeeezing. Sarah was super
nice and drove me to the Orange line train halfway across town. It was
her birthday yesterday and I had no idea until I came home to find a
crapload of baloons and Thai leftovers everywhere.
As usual, Lois didn't speak to me.

Last night sucked. I got on the purple line by accident and ended up in
Evanston. It took me an extra hour to get home. It was a simple
mistake. Purple and brown share a track, I was tired. For the D.C.
people reading, its like accidentally getting in the express lanes on
395 north and not being able to get off. You keep looking over to the
other lanes yelling, "I want to be over THERE!" But you can't get off
until you reach the city. And the only way to get home is to get back
on 395 south in evening traffic.

6:58 a man behind me on the train is talking very loudly on his phone in
Russian... I think its Russian. But whatever, its rude. I'm having
trouble hearing Maggie tell me about her hair.

7:35 boarding Southwest. I'm an A! But I see a crying baby in the B
line. Maybe I should hang back and see where they sit... and ask to be
reseated on another flight.

7:44 Crap Crap Crap. Baby is right behind me!
7:46 Crap Crap Crap Crap! Another baby!
7:49 this does not bode well

So I'm going to try not to spend too much money this week. If I can
keep my personal expenses on this trip below $200 then I will treat
myself to a cab ride home when I get back to Chicago. So far I'm up to
$6 for batteries for my CD player. I'll try to keep a running tally if
I have time to check in with the blog. I'm proud of myself for resisting
the McDonalds breakfast in the airport terminal. I wasn't really hungry
and I know I want some In-N-Out when I get there. But now that the
Mexican family of 20 sitting around me boarded laiden with sausage
mcmuffins and orange juice I'm rethinking my plan.

10:28am (1:28 Eastern, 12:28 Central)
Ok the flight was not so bad. The baby only kicked my chair a few dozen
times. Views were awesome!. I highly recommend flying over The Rockies
and The Grand Canyon in the daytime.

I saw palm trees and swimming pools as we landed... and an In-N-Out
Burger. Hmmmm...Its lunchtime in Chicago. be continued...


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