
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

Upcoming MeegShows!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Lunch is my favorite part of the day. Not just because of the obvious
food part, but because I have a chance to read my friends' blogs. Keep
em updated, kids! I still haven't made any office friends and I have
nowhere else to go!

...except to wander around the city stalking Mr. Peanut. That was
wierd... The reason I only got a shot of his back is because he was
flitting around dodging people on the sidewalk and stuff and
occaisionally running out into traffic. Chicago is an odd place.


  • At November 03, 2005 3:10 PM, Blogger Danni said…

    Just be careful; apparently updating you blog can be dangerous.

    I want to know why Mr. Peanut is wandering the streets of Chicago. Don't most peanuts grow in the south? Something about the anonymity that comes with wearing a giant peanut suit must be going to that guy's head...


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