
Megan Kelleher - Actress, Nerd, etc.

Upcoming MeegShows!

Friday, November 07, 2003


10am puttered around and did homework

12:10pm Late for African Dance again

1:30pm random lunch fun with Ariela, Jackie, Zack and the Piano Man

2:30pm frantic scramble to go back to my room and get my stage combat script

2:45pm remembered my appointment to register for classes was happening in a few minutes and I had left all my info in my room which I had just run back and forth to for my script.

2:55pm try to salvage what I could remember of my schedule in the theatre office

3:00pm race my teacher from the office to the classroom

3:02pm Stage Combat fun and craziness

5pm return to my room for relaxation time

6pm nap time

8pm clean room time

10pm head over to lounge to meet up with Sky.

10:30pm Theatre boys playing with explosives in lounge fun fun scary scary, bad fumes!

12am Sky and I head to IHOP for late night dinner and actor talk

2am back to LSq

2:30am I think I hear friends outside smoking so I head outside to say hi.

2:31am was mistaken. It's not Meggie just some girl that sounds like her

2:32am Find Jason looking lost in the Square - he lost his ID

2:35am Jason and I walk to the Aquatic Center to see if he dropped his ID somewhere

2:45am We sympathize with crazy drunk girls in the Square

2:50am Knock quietly on Elise and Meggie's door hoping they are up, but nobody answers

3am Jason hangs out at my place because I don't feel like sleeping and he doesn't feel like walking

3:15am a John Cusak movie and girly magazines

4:45am Movie is over and I am sleepy - Time for Jason to go

5:15am internet addiction... then sleep for 3 hours.

Just another day in Meegland


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